It is with great pleasure to be a part of The Way Of Life Ministries,
and Servants of the Lord. As leaders, we want to encourage those
who have chosen to put their complete Faith in God, to serve Him
to the fullest, and to receive every promise He has for them.
Our endeavor is to be dedicated examples of a life totally surrendered
to the Lord, and are willing to share the Good News that Jesus is the answer to every situation that comes up in our lives.
The love that we have been shown spiritually is found in John 3:16, "For God So Loved the World, that He Gave His ONLY Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish..".
Our goal is to reach as many people as we can, and tell them about the one who is truly the Way, the Truth, and the Light
Pastor Timothy D. Henderson
First Lady Arzetta Henderson
Follow along as we learn the book of Proverbs Chapter 22
Be renewed by the reading of His word.
Join us LIVE every Wednesday night at 7pm CST on Zoom.
Watch our latest clip
Be courageous in your Faith and get some backbone
Pastor Timothy D. Henderson
First Lady Arzetta Henderson
Let everything that has breath
Praise the Lord!
The Way of Life Ministries
"Let your faith work..."
-James 2:17"
The Way of Life Ministries
4928 Trentman Street, Fort Worth, TX 76119, US
Jesus Loves you